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Management Consulting, Mentoring and Training – ‘Buyer Beware...’

Decisions, decisions, decisions... in a world of constant and fast moving change, decision making can often be made without due consideration, the consequences of which can unfortunately, on occasion, be disappointing to say the least.

The business world has changed very considerably over the last twenty-five years. A truly global world market has re-defined the need for competitiveness. Small, specialised entrepreneurial businesses are now replacing larger in-efficient organisations, maintaining their efficiencies by engaging experts to provide knowledge and experience as required, rather than on a full time employed basis.

The difficulty for business owners when looking to engage an expert is the ability to determine who it is that can bring real value and experience to their business – how can they be sure that their ‘expert’ truly is just that? Worryingly, Professor Hertz in her book ‘Eyes Wide Open’ (2013, P.83) notes that a Cranfield study shows that, of companies that had used management consultants, two thirds considered the advice they had been given to be at best useless, and at worst actively harmful.

Recently, The Sunday Times (Business – 21st Sept 2014, P.12) reported on the many pitfalls of using inexperienced or simply second-rate mentors for your business. The difficulty is in how you can identify the good from the bad, especially when you are putting your trust in the expert to be able to help you succeed with your business.

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. Finding the true experts can be difficult, but making the effort to find a competent and capable trusted business advisor to provide management support and experience can bring very real benefit and advantage to your business, just ask any of our clients...

The Team Management business team is made up of highly qualified and highly experienced individuals who have run businesses, worked in businesses, and continue to be actively involved in businesses on a day-to-day basis. Most importantly, they understand management, they understand people and they know how to communicate effectively.

Whether you have a need for consulting, mentoring, management training or would just simply like to a better understanding of how we may be able to help you create a safer, better and more valuable enterprise then please make contact with us, we would love to hear from you:

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